Choice Technology Group, LLC (CTG)


Google Is Searching For Unauthorized Gambling Apps On Play Store

Google heavily regulates gambling and gaming apps on its Play Store.  It's not hard to understand why.  The industry has a long history of gouging and otherwise abusing the people who play ...

New Exploit Discovered That Adds Malware To Advertisements

Hackers and scammers have a new tool in their toolbox, and they're making rapid use of it.  Recently, researchers from Confiant have discovered a new campaign involving a Chrome for iOS exploit. ...

DoorDash Leaks Personal Data Of Users And Drivers

Another week, another high-profile data breach. This time, DoorDash confirmed on a recent blog post that data on nearly five million of its users had been accessed by an unauthorized (and at ...

Some Android Apps Are Charging People Big Money

Security researchers at Sophos Labs have alerted Google to the presence of more than two dozen apps on the Play Store that are abusing a loophole in Google's policies that allow them ...

Attachment Extensions Carrying Malware Banned On Microsoft Outlook

One of the most common means by which malware winds up on the computers of its victims is via an email attachment.  All it takes is one careless moment.  One click to ...

WiFi 6 Is The Latest In Wireless Technology Advances

Most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about standards or the organizations that maintain and push them forward.  Standards just aren't very interesting, which is why they don't get a ...

New Microsoft Update Some Caused Network Adapter Issues

If you haven't yet downloaded and installed the latest Windows 10 update (version 1903), read this article carefully before deciding if you want to do so. Microsoft is reporting that their latest ...

New Chrome Feature Allows Sending Web Pages To Devices

If you use Google's Chrome browser for web connectivity, you're about to get a new feature you'll probably fall in love with. Chrome 77 is now available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and ...

Vulnerabilities Found In Consumer Based Routers And Devices

The SOHOpelessly Broken 2.0 study has been released by Independent Security Evaluators . The picture it paints of routers and the so-called 'smart' devices that make up the rapidly expanding Internet of ...

LastPass User Credentials May Have Been Exposed To Hackers

Do you use the password manager LastPass?  If so, you're certainly not alone.  In recent years it has seen its popularity surge and has grown to become the most popular app of ...


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